Important Note:

This is a strictly Catholic blog. The information here posted has the purpose of spreading God's message through his servants. There is some information that has nothing to do with the messages and is posted here for the knowledge of all who visit this source of information.

We love our God Almighty and Eternal Father, Jesus Christ his only Begotten Son, the Holy Spirit the giver of all gifts, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother and all the Angels and Saints who dwell in Heaven.

It is for them that this blog was created with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, Our Holy Mother Mary and with the authorship of the Holy Spirit.

Blessed are all those in Heaven and Earth!

Translated messages are published in chronological order. There are several messages that are sent with previous dates and although they do not follow the chronology, they are published because of its urgency. I apologize if this causes any discomfort. I have no control of the order in which messages are sent to the email for translation, however it is important the publication of all messages for the knowledge of everybody.

Adore the Sacred Heart of God the Father

Adore the Sacred Heart of God the Father
Consecration to God the Father

Prayer to Stop the War as given to Darly Chagas Silva - Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, Brazil

"Oh Jesus Sacramented in all the tabernacles of the world, pour over the world Your Mercy.
Have mercy on all the innocent who are suffering from wars. We ask you Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit upon us and grant us the forgiveness.
May your Holy Name be pronounced strong by all the Priests of the world, to overthrow the powerful from their thrones and exalt the humble.
Come Holy Spirit, purify the humanity and sanctify it. Amen."

(Pray 7 Our Father, 7 Hail Mary and 7 Glory be)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Message to Darly Chagas

Message of Our Lady - Mary Full of Grace
The Advent of the New World - Words of Our Lady
time of fulfillment of the prophecies given to the world

January 20, 2013 (Sunday)

Dear children, today, the day of the Lord, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the real Peace for the world.

My children, today I invite you to empty your hearts of all illusion, from all sin that is within them and bring them before My Divine Son Jesus Christ, asking Him to fill you with His Grace for you to say, 'yes' to conversion.

Convert, convert, there is no longer time for mankind straightens their steps.

My children, My little children, the Holy Word of God reveals to you today about the great miracle that Jesus Christ performed at Cana in Galilee.

At that time we were at a wedding party, today we are talking about the situation of your life, about things that should not have entered into your hearts, sin, suffering, disease, wars, hunger, thirst and lack of the love for your life. This life God gave you with so much love and you, because have no valued His Grace, you have no certainty of His existence, faith is missing.

As at that time lacked the wine for the celebration of marriage, today love is lacking in humanity, the brotherhood. So My children, if ye want happiness within you, you can compare with an empty clay pot, without wine, which means without God, I repeat to you: "Do whatever He tells you." And you will hear Jesus Christ telling you: "Be filled with the faith, believe and be saved."

My children, you are empty, without light, need of the Gifts you received at the time of your Baptism, which you are despising, be wise, and the Holy Spirit enlightens the hearts of those who want His Light. See My children, with My hope that Jesus Christ would help that family, I advised those who took care of the distribution of wine to the guests and they saw there was no more wine, I told them to do what My Son told them.

They listened to My advice and then I asked Jesus Christ to help them, Jesus Christ commanded and they obeyed Him because they believed He could help them. Since there were six large jars, Jesus Christ commanded them to fill them with water, which He turned into wine.

You My children, you have within you a heart of soul, this is great because it is the temple of God, but God wants to fill you with His Love, His Light, with Life, but you are with closed hearts to Him and open to illusions, and worse, you are accumulating sins.

Sin destroys, it weighs your lives and you are being prevented from flying toward Heaven. Awake My children, your clay pots are dry, without Jesus Christ within them, because you are not feeling yet that need of Him.

Jesus had compassion for that family, did not leave them to stay embarrassed in front of their guests. He bountifully succored them, gave the better because He gave a wine made by His Mercy, by Love.

Today you must ask Him for this Mercy, and He will not deny it to you because His Mercy is Power, is Salvation.

As you are already seeing with your own eyes, the beginning of the world destruction, this material world, you have no more time to wonder if God exists, or now your hearts are open or you will lose the Eternal Happiness.

The world has not happiness to offer you, it just has challenges, illusions, materialism, competition of authorities, the Seven Deadly Sins. Short life without love.

God has all the best to give you, He wants to give whoever wants Eternal Life, Eternal Happiness.

So My children, meditate on what you desire for yourselves. If is Happiness, stand before Jesus Christ, He will fill you with the Holy Spirit, you will fill His Blood, His flesh, ye shall not suffer more. Ye shall have Eternal Life.

Jesus Christ manifested His glory there and also will manifest in you, He will give you strength, courage, He will Save you.

He has saved the world, but it is necessary that the world wants the Salvation.

            You must not leave for after, you have many sins to repair, time is running out.

This is what I come to reveal to you today for your conversion.

My children, there is the beginning of the big trials that you will have to win, you know that God filled the world with Warnings, called, called, but the most part do not want to hear. Has no force to win because did not seek for it, has no wisdom because turned a deaf ear and is now dying.

Prepare My children, remember that God does not abandon anyone. It's time to tell yourselves that you are sons of God, you must not keep away from Him as you are.

Here I am bringing for so long His Grace to give it to you, and you are appearing to pick It up. Come My children, the messages are already ending, hurry up.

Courage My children, now it's just with pain that the world will get converted, but now those who have decided for the conversion, if you hesitate, you will fall, and will be as those not yet converted and to stand up again will only be with much suffering.

Cheer up, stand firms in the faith, increase it because it's going to be terrible the world situation. Convert each day more.

Pray, pray, pray for the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.

Pray for the atheists and pagans, reinforce your prayers, the time is now, who does not return to God will go to Hell.

Pray, pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ, unity and willingness to stay hand in hand at this point, do not judge anyone, for you not be judged.

Silence your thoughts on the behavior of each other, let only God judge your actions.

Help the Holy Father the Pope, he needs a lot of prayers of the faithful to strengthen all priests and all who work within the churches. The danger advances over those who govern nations and this puts all humanity preoccupied with wars. The Holy Father Pope does what he can, but he is only a servant of God, every servant needs help.

Every man who prays can help the Holy Father the Pope, even the children, the children's prayers are very powerful.

I love you very much and I cover you with My Mantle of Love.

Happiness is for everyone, will not be happy the one who does not want.

Today I warn not only Brazil, but to the entire world, you need to prepare more, you are not strong, what comes into the world is a very serious thing, even if it happens in one region, all countries will be worried. So reinforce your prayers. Convert, convert.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,

Mary, the Immaculate Conception.

(Homage to the great martyr Saint Sebastian.)

My children, thank God for Saint Sebastian. He was a great martyr, suffered to help save the world.

Be good devotees always thanking him that was able to accept martyrdom, but not denied God in no time. He gave example of faith, of hope for all people. Be also capable of supporting all for the love of God.

Your Heavenly Mother warns you about faith.

You should meditate on the Holy Gospel today: John, 2: 1 – 11.

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