Important Note:

This is a strictly Catholic blog. The information here posted has the purpose of spreading God's message through his servants. There is some information that has nothing to do with the messages and is posted here for the knowledge of all who visit this source of information.

We love our God Almighty and Eternal Father, Jesus Christ his only Begotten Son, the Holy Spirit the giver of all gifts, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother and all the Angels and Saints who dwell in Heaven.

It is for them that this blog was created with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, Our Holy Mother Mary and with the authorship of the Holy Spirit.

Blessed are all those in Heaven and Earth!

Translated messages are published in chronological order. There are several messages that are sent with previous dates and although they do not follow the chronology, they are published because of its urgency. I apologize if this causes any discomfort. I have no control of the order in which messages are sent to the email for translation, however it is important the publication of all messages for the knowledge of everybody.

Adore the Sacred Heart of God the Father

Adore the Sacred Heart of God the Father
Consecration to God the Father

Prayer to Stop the War as given to Darly Chagas Silva - Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, Brazil

"Oh Jesus Sacramented in all the tabernacles of the world, pour over the world Your Mercy.
Have mercy on all the innocent who are suffering from wars. We ask you Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit upon us and grant us the forgiveness.
May your Holy Name be pronounced strong by all the Priests of the world, to overthrow the powerful from their thrones and exalt the humble.
Come Holy Spirit, purify the humanity and sanctify it. Amen."

(Pray 7 Our Father, 7 Hail Mary and 7 Glory be)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Comet Shaped Like a Cross

Please get straight with Our Lord soon. Be ready for anything. Even leaving your present home. If JPL information is correct, Elenin [Estimated diameter 124,000 miles*, the moon has a diameter of 2,159 miles] is going to be crossing between the Sun and the Earth next month, starting on Sept. 26, all day on the 27, and ending the darkness on the 28. Also, remember we were told that it would cause true Jews to convert because it would be on a important day. The evening of the 28 is the beginning of the new year for the Jews. Just food for thought. Ricky

Hubble Views of Comet-like Asteroid P/2010 A2 [not Elenin]

This comet is shaped like a cross.
Asteroid P/2010 A2 closest approach to the Earth will be on October 11, 12, and 13th, 2012.
See -;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb
To See Elenin's closest approach, see:

Read more: Is this incredible thing in heavens a sign from God?

Read more: Is this incredible thing in heavens a sign from God?

Some people are seeing a flying cross, or perhaps a Star of David.

Others say it resembles a ninja-style throwing blade or even a science-fiction spaceship from such Hollywood creations as "Star Wars," "Star Trek," "Babylon 5" or "The Last Starfighter."
While scientists don't think it's a comet, they're not exactly sure of the precise origin of the incredible object soaring some 90 million miles from Earth [the sun is 93 millions miles from Earth], snapped just a few weeks ago by the Hubble Space Telescope.
"I've seen thousands of astronomical images over my career, but this is one of the few absolute jaw-droppers: A flying X-pattern with trailing streamers," said Ray Villard, a contributing writer to Discovery News. "Whatever it is, nothing quite like it has ever before been seen in the heavens."
Even the experts who study celestial phenomena seem somewhat perplexed.
"We're still trying to really figure out what it is," University of Arizona planetary scientist Jim Scotti told National Geographic. Scotti is on a team observing the object from the Kitt Peak National Observatory outside Tucson.
"The truth is, we're still struggling to understand what this means," comet expert David Jewitt at UCLA told Britain's Daily Mail. "It's most likely the result of a recent collision between two asteroids."
If it is indeed the result of such a collision, it would be the first time astronomers have gazed upon the immediate result of such a crash.
The official statement from America's space agency indicates:
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has observed a mysterious X-shaped debris pattern and trailing streamers of dust that suggest a head-on collision between two asteroids. Astronomers have long thought the asteroid belt is being ground down through collisions, but such a smashup has never been seen before.
Asteroid collisions are energetic, with an average impact speed of more than 11,000 miles per hour, or five times faster than a rifle bullet.
"If this interpretation is correct, two small and previously unknown ast! eroids recently collided, creating a shower of debris that is being swept back into a tail from the collision site by the pressure of sunlight," Jewitt said.

WORDS OF JESUS TO SR. FAUSTINA.... comet shaped like a cross

Saint Faustina Kowalska was a Polish nun who received a series of astounding revelations from Jesus! These messages are among the most important revelations ever given to the world! Jesus told Saint Faustina that the final age of the world was approaching. The message he was now giving to the world through her was specifically intended to prepare mankind for the end of the world. "Before I come as a just judge, I am coming FIRST as "King of Mercy"! Let all men now approach the throne of my mercy with absolute confidence! Some time before the the last days of final justice arrive, there will be given to mankind a great sign in the heavens of this sort: all the light of the heavens will be totally extinguished. There will be a great darkness over the whole earth. Then a great sign of the cross will appear in the sky. From the openings from where the hands and feet of the savior were nailed will come forth great lights - which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will happen before the very final days. It is the sign for the end of the world. After it will come the days of justice! Let souls have recourse to the fount of my mercy while there is still time! Woe to him who does not recognize the time of my visitation."

Fr. Iannuzzi , when commenting on Fr. Gobbi's death, reviewed his prediction that stated
a comet shaped like a cross would appear soon.


8/4/2011 -- CONFIRMED ! Comet Elenin on SOHO ..
200,000+km WIDE coma [about 124,300 miles wide,
or one-half the distance from the Earth to the moon]
(1/6th size of the sun, and 60 times the size of the moon.)

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