Important Note:

This is a strictly Catholic blog. The information here posted has the purpose of spreading God's message through his servants. There is some information that has nothing to do with the messages and is posted here for the knowledge of all who visit this source of information.

We love our God Almighty and Eternal Father, Jesus Christ his only Begotten Son, the Holy Spirit the giver of all gifts, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother and all the Angels and Saints who dwell in Heaven.

It is for them that this blog was created with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, Our Holy Mother Mary and with the authorship of the Holy Spirit.

Blessed are all those in Heaven and Earth!

Translated messages are published in chronological order. There are several messages that are sent with previous dates and although they do not follow the chronology, they are published because of its urgency. I apologize if this causes any discomfort. I have no control of the order in which messages are sent to the email for translation, however it is important the publication of all messages for the knowledge of everybody.

Adore the Sacred Heart of God the Father

Adore the Sacred Heart of God the Father
Consecration to God the Father

Prayer to Stop the War as given to Darly Chagas Silva - Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, Brazil

"Oh Jesus Sacramented in all the tabernacles of the world, pour over the world Your Mercy.
Have mercy on all the innocent who are suffering from wars. We ask you Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit upon us and grant us the forgiveness.
May your Holy Name be pronounced strong by all the Priests of the world, to overthrow the powerful from their thrones and exalt the humble.
Come Holy Spirit, purify the humanity and sanctify it. Amen."

(Pray 7 Our Father, 7 Hail Mary and 7 Glory be)

Thursday, March 26, 2009



Jesus - I beseech you, oh mankind, stop offending me. Your sins are hurting me. Why do you refuse to answer my call? Why you hurt the Heart of thy Holy? If my marks are not enough what else can I do for you to return? You are only safe by my side. Leave aside the life you're leading and embrace the faith. If you want to live should live like this: the world behind with all their sins.

What are you seeing, daughter?

Larissa – The Lord agonizing on the cross.

Jesus – Every time you disobey me you scourge me. My sores, let me talk about my sores for you understand.

Wounding the body of your God. Ripped the flesh of my bones. You understand that?

Larissa - I saw the flesh off the body of the Lord into pieces during the scourging. These pieces fall down.

Jesus - This pain, my daughter you do not have how to imagine this. Loosen up my bones from the flesh of thy God: the same meat that you share today. Pray for all those who are away from me doing my holy flesh dropping off my bones. This is the present scourging: my children to stay away from me.


Jesus - I strengthen you. We begin today to speak of my passion. Be in peace.


Jesus - Take paper and pen and write. Do not be afraid, is me. I want this day to reveal the wounds which injured my holy eyes. My eyes were severely beaten. The multiples beats made my eyes swell. I was no longer able to distinguish a man from a tree. I did see all kinds of immoralities and was uncovered all human malice. This happens every time my sons and daughters get naked maliciously in front of me. Yes, my daughter, every time my sons and daughters go to my presence without his clothes, my eyes swell again. I am beaten many, many times. Solomon had eyes to see the beauty of the lilies and I your God, do not deserve to see you well dressed and pure? Listen my daughter; clean your bodies of all kinds of filth. This is how I want: clean and well dressed.

Larissa – Lord, let me do your will.

Jesus – you’re doing and not be afraid to announce what I speak to the heart. Speak without fear because I am with you!


Jesus came all white and made the sign of the cross on my forehead.

Peace be with you! Get my anointing ... Signal of faith.

He made the sign of the cross in my hands.

The sores caused by the thorns of my crown. Of them is what I want to talk today. Hurt my head with hard spines. Many spines were broken inside my holy body that made me wish an end. My torment was increasing each time more when they were playing with my holy head from one place to another. Who could imagine what I saw?

Their thoughts martyred me all the times that turned to evil. Their impure actions are the result of disordered thoughts. Are spines mortifying my flesh. If your thoughts are not my thoughts, then you are not my friends, but my executioners. Deepen in my thoughts, then we'll be together forever, united to the earth and united to heaven, only by our thoughts.

Open the Word in Haggai cap.1: Speak about the wrong way of thinking that led the people away from God.

Your way of thinking keeps me away from you. The thoughts, when are not connected to
mine, attract calamities over the nations.

Mensaje en Español

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