Important Note:

This is a strictly Catholic blog. The information here posted has the purpose of spreading God's message through his servants. There is some information that has nothing to do with the messages and is posted here for the knowledge of all who visit this source of information.

We love our God Almighty and Eternal Father, Jesus Christ his only Begotten Son, the Holy Spirit the giver of all gifts, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother and all the Angels and Saints who dwell in Heaven.

It is for them that this blog was created with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, Our Holy Mother Mary and with the authorship of the Holy Spirit.

Blessed are all those in Heaven and Earth!

Translated messages are published in chronological order. There are several messages that are sent with previous dates and although they do not follow the chronology, they are published because of its urgency. I apologize if this causes any discomfort. I have no control of the order in which messages are sent to the email for translation, however it is important the publication of all messages for the knowledge of everybody.

Adore the Sacred Heart of God the Father

Adore the Sacred Heart of God the Father
Consecration to God the Father

Prayer to Stop the War as given to Darly Chagas Silva - Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, Brazil

"Oh Jesus Sacramented in all the tabernacles of the world, pour over the world Your Mercy.
Have mercy on all the innocent who are suffering from wars. We ask you Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit upon us and grant us the forgiveness.
May your Holy Name be pronounced strong by all the Priests of the world, to overthrow the powerful from their thrones and exalt the humble.
Come Holy Spirit, purify the humanity and sanctify it. Amen."

(Pray 7 Our Father, 7 Hail Mary and 7 Glory be)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Message to Darly Chagas

Message of Our Lady – Mary Full of Grace

The Advent of the New World – Words of Our Lady

The Last Time of Preparation for the Purification of Mankind


December 22, 2013 – 4th Sunday of Advent


Dear children, with much love and affection I come to bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit.

United to the Holy Trinity, together we will seek the real Peace for the world.

In this 4th Sunday of Advent I dedicate My love to the parents.

My children, prepare for the Holy Christmas, with your hearts open to the Grace that will receive in the night when you are commemorating the Birth of My Divine Son Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

It will be very important for you to receive this special Grace to strengthen you more, because yet you have not enough strength to overcome the danger that is approaching. It will be for the entire world. 

You know that are sinners, this is why you don’t have own strength.

God grants now this strength for you, because you are in preparation to enter in the time of difficult trials. This is why Advices are upon entire world with more frequency in this final of year, because any terrible thing is about to come. Prepare, remain more united and this unity makes that nobody stay alone. If you would be more united, you would be more calmed and knew to control your emotional state, because emotion causes many problems in your life.  

May the day of the Holy Birth a day of much Peace and joy for all the children of God.

My children, the Holy Word of God leads you today to meditate upon the moment when Saint Joseph, My spouse, before to marry Me, He was disappointed with Me, because when I received the visit of the Angel Gabriel, revealing to Me the Will of God, that He chose Me to be the Mother of the Savior of the world, after I went to tell him what the Angel Gabriel revealed to Me. I had no way to prove to Him the vision that happened. But, God when gives a mission to someone, He gives too, all coverage, all protection.

Then after the Angel appeared to Joseph while he was sleeping and when he woke up went to My encounter to calm Me, by the Power of the Divine Holy Spirit.

Saint Joseph was a marvelous father for Jesus Christ, he took care of Him and was a responsible spouse, he took care of Me too, we followed the signals that received and took the knowledge of them, we follow to where God pointed.

Saint Joseph was and is faithful to God, you can ask to him help and if God permits you will receive.

All the parents should be like Saint Joseph was for Jesus Christ.

My children, how many children are despised even for their biological parents, they stay in abandon, they feel the need to be welcome, embraced by their parents and grow and even die without knowing them. How sad is a son who is not welcome for a father or for his own mother.

My children, is time yet of this reparation, everybody should now more than ever, to take care of the sons, because this will go to the balance, those who act so, mainly the parents who have courage to determine the abortion for their innocent children, this is the greatest cause of the punishment that is coming for the world. They think that nobody will discover their monstrous acts, but God sees everything and criminals will be punished according to the order of God. In the entire world are these cruel men and women who murder innocents, be the child big or little, his life has the same value than an adult person. How many mothers obey her partner’s demands to do abortion for not to leave her but all this is seen by God and nothing will stay without judgment. 

How terrible is this offense to God.

Repent children, of this cruelty and reconcile with God, you are not fulfilling your mission that God gave you of being good parents, parents that give lives for their children, parents that raise their children with little, but trust in God and they grow and become worthy people and help who needs.

God knows all what the sinner does, there is no opportunity of someone to commit any sin without God knowing. Now is coming the hit hour, poor children, even after reading this message, those who practice cruelties, are capable to trample on the Teachings of Heaven.

Jesus Christ, is the Greatest of innocents, He was also sacrificed on the Cross for your sins. See how big is the guilt of who kills an innocent, is worst than the one who kills a guilty.

Nobody has right to kill, the Commandment has to be obeyed, otherwise, is the consequence that comes and everything will be justified by God.

This is what I come to reveal in this message of conversion.

Pray, pray, pray for the two Holy Fathers the Popes Benedict XVI and Francis, for all the Clergy, for the religious men and women, for all mankind.

Pray for atheists and pagans, with perseverance, faith, and hope, happy those who attend the order of God and are praying. Your prayers will not stay without return. You will receive the reward.

Pray for the Holy Church founded by Jesus Christ.

Who listen to the Word of God and value, does not trample on It, because knows that unhappy will be the one who tramples on the Word of God.            

Every Christian needs from His Word to be happy.

Jesus Christ wants to born in your hearts, prepare to receive Him.

I wish that in this feast so beautiful that is approaching, each one have inside the heart a new manger to receive Jesus Christ. He wants to enrich your lives giving you more knowledge, wisdom for everybody to comprehend that is hour to take more care of the soul for them to reach Heaven very soon.

The danger that is approaching for the world is very serious, there is no chance to impede because is a punishment for who does not respect to God.

Help the Holy Fathers the Popes, without unity will be worst for the world.

Be always willing to pray, the prayer strengthen you.

I love you very much and cover you with My Mantle of Love.

Brazilians, stay attentive, tempests will be strong, only God can control the nature, is necessary that you are more interested with more effort to overcome with prayer.

All nations, do the same, rains are equal in the entire world, cause landslides, accidents and mass evictions and the worst, many die without Confession.

I wish everybody a Holy Christmas, full of love by the Savior of the world that with open arms wants to embrace you because you are His brothers. That this Christmas your hearts are more open for the Grace of God enters and save them.

Now I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Divine Holy Spirit, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world,


Mary, the Immaculate Conception.


You should meditate on the Holy Gospel today: Mt. 1: 18 – 24.

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