+JMJ+My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus:
I pray as we enter this most holy of times, that every spiritual blessing descend to each and every one of you. I dedicate time before the blessed Sacrament in prayer asking Jesus for all of you and I especially take those who write to me with prayer requests. I, in return, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for I can certainly feel them. Please email me your prayer requests or any questions you might have. I take them all to the Lord in my prayers, Masses, and rosaries.
Because what is happening in the church has an impact on what happens in the world, I read with a saddened heart the continued attacks against the Catholic Church and the priests. But it is only fulfilling prophecy. So I keep praying........Do you want to know why? Keep reading.....
a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state .
(often initial capital letter ) a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.
a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
the system of economic and political thought developed by Karl Marx, along with Friedrich Engels, esp. the doctrine that the state throughout history has been a device for the exploitation of the masses by a dominant class, that class struggle has been the main agency of historical change, and that the capitalist system, containing from the first the seeds of its own decay, will inevitably, after the period of the dictatorship of the proletariat, be superseded by a socialist order and a classless society.
secret or tacit brotherhood; fellowship; fundamental bond or rapport: the freemasonry of those who hunger for knowledge.
the principles, practices, and institutions of Freemasons.
The following is part of a description of ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE:
The love of fighting didn't leave him, but while he was in Rome he stopped seeing the struggle as a military one. He didn't like what he saw of the world, in fact he saw it as downright evil. The fight, he decided, was a spiritual one. The world was bigger than Poland and there were worse slavery's than earthly ones. The fight was still on, but he would not be waging it with the sword. At that time, many Catholics in Europe regarded freemasonry as their chief enemy; and it was against the freemasons Kolbe began to wage war. On 16 October 1917, with six companions, he founded the Crusade of Mary Immaculate (Militia Immaculatae), with the aim of "converting sinners, heretics and schismatics, particularly freemasons, and bringing all men to love Mary Immaculate".
"No one in the world can change Truth," he wrote. "What we can do and should do is to seek truth and to serve it when we have found it. The real conflict is the inner conflict. Beyond armies of occupation and the hecatombs of extermination camps, there are two irreconcilable enemies in the depth of every soul: good and evil, sin and love. And what use are the victories on the battlefield if we ourselves are defeated in our innermost personal selves?"
There are parallels between events that are happening now and that terrible time in our past history. I am praying and hoping that people can see that. That they can see the dangerous direction we as a nation and Christian people are headed for. That while we may still believe we live in a democracy, truth be told, we fit some of the definitions given above and probably do not realize all the "freedoms" that have already been taken from us. Freedoms that have not been free, but at a cost of many giving their lives...shedding of their blood so we can have the liberty's we have, I think, taken for granted.
I wonder why people find it hard to believe that the same agenda that the communists/freemasons have/had for the church, which was to infiltrate and pollute the sanctity of the priesthood by scandalous acts to destroy from within, they also have/had for the government of this country to destroy the very Christian precepts it was founded on. Was everyone fool enough to believe just because a wall came tumbling down that Communism ceased to exist?
Monsignor Fulton Sheen
Now I point to a book written a long time ago by Bella Dodd, a long avowed leader of the Communist party, "School of Darkness" (you can read this book online in its entirety at:
http://www.yamaguchy.netfirms.com/7897401/dodd/dodd.html ). That is she WAS a leader until she was converted by then Monsignor (later Archbishop) Fulton Sheen. I then did a Google search on her and found the following statement by a monk who had been in attendance of one of her talks:Ex-Communist and celebrated convert Douglas Hyde revealed long ago that in the 1930s the Communist leadership issued a worldwide directive about infiltrating the Catholic Church. While in the early 1950s, Mrs Bella Dodd was also providing detailed explanations of the Communist subversion of the Church. Speaking as a former high ranking official of the American Communist Party, Mrs Dodd said: "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within." The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. A dozen years before Vatican II she stated that: "Right now they are in the highest places in the Church" - where they were working to bring about change in order to weaken the Church's effectiveness against Communism. She also said that these changes would be so drastic that "you will not recognize the Catholic Church."
Mrs Dodd, who converted to the Faith at the end of her life, was personally acquainted with this diabolic project since, as a Communist agent, part of her brief was to encourage young radicals (not always card-carrying Communists) to enter Catholic seminaries. She alone had encouraged nearly 1,000 such youngsters to infiltrate the seminaries and religious orders! One monk who attended a Bella Dodd lecture in the early 1950s recalled:
"I listened to that woman for four hours and she had my hair standing on end. Everything she said has been fulfilled to the letter. You would think she was the world's greatest prophet, but she was no prophet. She was merely exposing the step-by-step battle plan of Communist subversion of the Catholic Church. She explained that of all the world's religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by the Communists, for it was its only effective opponent. The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the Faith of the people, and even use the institution of the Church, if possible, to destroy the Faith through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing. Once the Faith was destroyed, she explained that there would be a guilt complex introduced into the Church…. to label the 'Church of the past' as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries. This would be necessary in order to shame Church leaders into an 'openness to the world,' and to a more flexible attitude toward all religions and philosophies. The Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church."
He further states:
This conspiracy has been confirmed time and again by Soviet defectors. Ex-KGB officer Anatoliy Golitsyn, who defected in 1961 and in 1984 forecast with 94% accuracy all the astonishing developments in the Communist Bloc since that time, confirmed several years ago that this "penetration of the Catholic and other churches" is part of the Party's "general line [i.e. unchanged policy] in the struggle against religion." Hundreds of files secreted to the West by former KGB archivist Vassili Mitrokhin and published in 1999 tell a similar tale, about the KGB cultivating the closest possible relationships with ' progressive ' Catholics and financing their activities.
What is often lost in all of this, however, is that Communism (along with the New Age movement) is simply a chief tool of Freemasonry; it's policy of Church infiltration just an extension of the Masonic plan clearly laid out in the Alta Vendita and other bona fide Masonic documents recognized by the Popes. Even experts like Anatoliy Golitsyn have failed to grasp this point. In The Perestroika Deception (1996), his collection of very accurate analysis and forecasts submitted to the CIA during the period 1985-95, he hints at a controlling force behind Soviet Communism but lacks "the facilities to study how it might be operating" under cover of some "front" organization. At the same time he complains that despite public plaudits for the accuracy of his forecasts, Western leaders have regularly ignored his warnings.
I provide the above information as "food for thought", as we approach this holy time of remembering Christ's crucifixion and how our dear, sweet savior knew this would happen. And how he knew you and I would fight...fight to the end..fight to give our lives if need be for this Church that was given birth to on Calvary.
Catholics who vote for politicians who are the Pontius Pilate's and the Herod's of today, "progressives" and these radical nuns who embrace "healthcare" aka slaughter of babies with YOUR MONEY, have contributed to this terrible time we are in. The bishops who remain silent on so many subjects will be held accountable till "every penny is paid." The crisis in the Church and scandals escalate and still most of our bishops remain silent. The only media coverage we get is bad coverage...not a coincidence. And while the label has been "pedophilia" the correct term would be homosexuals. An act that is an abomination to God, as all sin is, and a sin that must be confessed and turned away from.
I know why Jesus gave me the messages regarding the state of the priesthood, and how I was scared to death and I would cry and ask him "Why are you showing me this?" "Why are you telling me this?" "Why don't you tell your priests?" And how Jesus answered me by saying, "My priests have lost their faith and they would not believe." That did little to alleviate the fear that I had, for I was also told that I would be held responsible for all the people who would hear and believe if I did go and shout from the rooftops what He, (Jesus) was telling me in the silence of my heart, but if I did go wherever he opened the doors for me and they did not believe, He (Jesus) no longer held me accountable. Then I learned that this is in scripture and is more forcefully given to the priests!
For our good holy priests, the priests who DO believe, have their hands tied, so to speak, by superiors who will punish them, good priests, for going to them about the bad. So after awhile they don't tell anyone, for who can they trust? I have been blessed to have had some of them share their stories with me, so I know firsthand.
And I...who am I? An uneducated, sinner, lost in the world myself for a time, and but for the grace of God there go I.....but a great sinner, who "saw the light", "heard the TRUTH", and at all costs I wanted more and more of that TRUTH. Who is a SOMEBODY, not a something as Fr. Corapi says.........this man/God JESUS....with whom I fell so in love with and who I know without a doubt, is the one I "hear" although it is not audible...I know the words that burn in my spirit and will not let me rest until I write.....I know the sufferings and the persecutions....I know the rejection and the ridicule...just like my Lord. So I follow Him. I know the visions of priests going to do abominable things, though he did not show me the details..but I knew before the scandals were brought out into the tabloids and media. And how my heart broke when the scandals in Boston came on the forefront......and I knew back then that it was only the beginning.
Jesus keeps telling me to pray...to pray for many priests who have, as he showed me, black serpents entwined around their hearts.....and he again asks for prayer for his brothers. He said that the priests who take their vocations lightly would die in the illumination of the conscience (warning) would it not be for my prayers and the prayers of the remnant who pray for priests. I know the plan He has in place to save some of his priests and they will be taken care of....by an underground "resistance" movement consisting of laity when the time comes.
I know why and I can see. And I wonder why the world is deaf to the cries of His Mother, who cries for all of us....the world that is deaf and blind to the simplicity of the TRUTH. HIS love, HIS laws and precepts.....that can only be kept if we LOVE GOD.
Yes, the people of faith were asleep...because Jesus told us to be vigilant, to stay awake and pray that we not be tested. And all the terrible things that they, the world, the evil, did to the early church when the "wood was green, how much more will they do when the "wood is dead".....and we are the church, the dead wood...and we WILL suffer a persecution like many brothers and sisters of the world undergo, have undergone and give their blood, for this faith that is taken for granted and so watered down in so many places here in the USA. May God have mercy on the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests who intentionally plot evil against the church, and on the ones who remain silent, and do not lead their flocks.
I wish I could go to all of them and say, "Don't you know we would get behind you in a heartbeat if you took a firm stand?" "Lord!" "Give us clergy with hearts like Cardinal Jaime Sin of the Philippines had when he was alive", a Cardinal with a heart for Jesus and who called his people to war against unjust leaders....with a rosary march, and he not only called them, he got out and marched with them! I want to ask them, "Who do you have to fear but God himself?" One day you will deeply regret your lack of courage when you stand before the throne of God.
Can you imagine if the bishops united for the TRUTH and called Catholics to march in Washington DC? What do you think the politicians who call themselves Catholic but in no way represent the TRUTH of the church would think if they saw millions of Catholics coming from every part of the USA to unite for life WITH the bishops marching with their flocks? I for one and sick and tired of hearing the likes of Pelosi, Kennedy when he was alive, and others who are drunk on the power of the world talk as if they represent the Catholic faith. I applaud the Cardinals, Bishops and priests who DO take stands....but they too fulfill prophecy. Our Lady said in many apparitions that a time will come (and it has been here already a long time) when cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop, priest against priest will come.........
In many parts of the world, people worship Jesus and attend Mass at great danger to them. But they continue to give their lives, if they have to, for our beautiful faith........so we must remember the blood of martyrs waters the seeds of faith and from this coming persecution, where we will suffer like our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ, we will have a cleansed, smaller, much smaller church. But IT WILL BE MORE GLORIOUS THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN! This I know, for I have seen it.....and the world will once more be in line with the Divine Will of God.
So, my brothers and sisters, stay awake....watch and pray. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Remember that there is no resurrection without the cross and crucifixion. So we embrace our crosses and pray for the grace to continue to carry them....I pray for you...and you pray for me.
May God bless them all and give them the strength and grace they need. Our Lady Queen of the Clergy, pray for them!
I don't want to leave you with the feeling that all is lost, absolutely not! From the book of the Apocalypse chapter 20:
1 And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 And he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should no more seduce the nations, till the thousand years be finished. And after that, he must be loosed a little time.
That is the reign of peace Our Lady promised at Fatima. It is the coming Era of Peace...a time when hearts will be centered around the Eucharist, God and Our Lady, and as I mentioned a spotless glorious church! I have seen it...the Lord has shown it to me.
I keep this in my heart to console me in these times when I feel like every devil is knocking down my door at times.......but I keep him at bay because I pick up my weapons! My rosary, my St. Benedict crosses at my windows and doors, my Scapular of Benediction, the different sacramental's I have been led to, because I believe in the promises attached to them. I know that some of us will be martyrs, and others will go into the Era of Peace after this time of the bloody chastisement.
The Lord has said he hears our cries and lamentations. He knows we are weary from the battle. But we must keep our eyes on WHY we suffer...not just for our own purification, but offered for the co-redemptive work of saving souls! That is all he thirsted for on the cross..souls!
Do NOT fear anything! Remember the seven priests at ground zero at Hiroshima. They were one mile, yes I said one mile from ground zero. They lived to tell about it...they never got cancer...they never suffered radiation burns...why? Because they said as they would go around testifying, "In that house we LIVED OUR LADY'S MESSAGES...WE PRAYED THE ROSARY!"
2000 people were saved in a cathedral when the Indonesian tsunami hit because they were in a cathedral dedicated to Our Lady...the tsunami went AROUND the cathedral..... God uses peculiar ways to work with us...if we will have the courage to persevere. You won't hear THESE stories on the main stream media. But God will work miracles greater than at the beginning of the church, Jesus said, "Greater things you will do".....For the story about the churches in the tsunami go to the link:
Keep your hearts fastened to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and remember to never fear! God is more than able to protect you, lead you and guide you. Live a sacramental life, close to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and pray your rosary. You will live in total peace no matter what happens, heartaches, sickness, financial problems, spousal problem, children/grandchildren problems, nothing will be able to keep you down. The only thing that matters is our love for God because with God there is an answer for ALL problems.
You and I have been called, it has been entrusted to us to fight this battle with prayer, with love to follow Our Lady in example of her humility and obedience to God. We must continue the good fight! We must keep praying for the clergy who are united with the Magisterium of the Church, who are good and out there like voices in the desert, crying out, "Repent! The Kingdom of God is at Hand!" and because they are doing that, are in real danger. It is OUR prayers that assist them in their ministries along with the orders of nuns who still believe in praying before the Blessed Sacrament for them too. So too, for the priests who have evil plots...to be that barrier of prayer so that those plots do NOT come to pass and for their conversions.
Over and over again I have been shown the hammer and sickle and the masonic symbol of the compass and the Lord and Our Lady have said they would wreck havoc in the world. There are communists and freemason's in every level of our society, in high places, and they do not have the Christian interests at heart, in fact ex-Mason Abbe de Barruel, who wrote in the late eighteenth century that "the object of their [Masonic] conspiracy is to overturn every altar where Christ is adored."
So if you know how the enemy operates, then you will be able to recognize the lies and see the TRUTH. Make no mistake about it, we have communists in very high places in our church and in our government. THAT is why we pray as if our lives depend on it....because it really does!
Lastly my prayer is that you be blessed and showered with graces this Glorious Easter! I remain united with you in prayer. Do not lose courage, do not give up! Do not let your trials, which are heavy lead you to despair. No mater what happens, look to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary! Stay awake and keep watch..........
Until next time,
Love in the Two Hearts,
Strongly recommended, visit the webpage of Sadie Jaramillo at: http://www.sadiejaramillo.com/
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