Important Note:

This is a strictly Catholic blog. The information here posted has the purpose of spreading God's message through his servants. There is some information that has nothing to do with the messages and is posted here for the knowledge of all who visit this source of information.

We love our God Almighty and Eternal Father, Jesus Christ his only Begotten Son, the Holy Spirit the giver of all gifts, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother and all the Angels and Saints who dwell in Heaven.

It is for them that this blog was created with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, Our Holy Mother Mary and with the authorship of the Holy Spirit.

Blessed are all those in Heaven and Earth!

Translated messages are published in chronological order. There are several messages that are sent with previous dates and although they do not follow the chronology, they are published because of its urgency. I apologize if this causes any discomfort. I have no control of the order in which messages are sent to the email for translation, however it is important the publication of all messages for the knowledge of everybody.

Adore the Sacred Heart of God the Father

Adore the Sacred Heart of God the Father
Consecration to God the Father

Prayer to Stop the War as given to Darly Chagas Silva - Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais, Brazil

"Oh Jesus Sacramented in all the tabernacles of the world, pour over the world Your Mercy.
Have mercy on all the innocent who are suffering from wars. We ask you Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit upon us and grant us the forgiveness.
May your Holy Name be pronounced strong by all the Priests of the world, to overthrow the powerful from their thrones and exalt the humble.
Come Holy Spirit, purify the humanity and sanctify it. Amen."

(Pray 7 Our Father, 7 Hail Mary and 7 Glory be)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Messages to Brother Eduardo, Brazil

Message of Our Lady
(11/15/2012) São José dos Pinhais / PR, Brazil

My children, I am the Queen of Peace - Mediatrix of All Graces.
Beloved, on this day I invite you to pray with Me for the health of Pope Benedict XVI.
My children pray the third confidently for this intention.
Dear children, ask God peace in your homes. My little children and young people are in danger. Pray as a family!
Many of My young people are walking in the self-destruction, for not many homes have the dialogue and prayer.
Beloved, do not forget, I cannot help you without prayer.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Message of Our Lady
(11/13/2012) São José dos Pinhais / PR, Brazil

Dear children, on this day I invite you to pray for My children in the Philippines.
A people of lot of prayer, but also of many superstitions. The Lord invites you to an urgent conversion. Flee from sin and turn back to God.
What seemed impossible for many will leave sadness to others.
Pray for not lose faith. I am the Mother of the Church, the Mystic Rose.
Dear children, reflect in your hearts these My messages that over the years I have brought you through this My son.
Divulgate fondly these My message to all peoples.
Pray, pray.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Message of Our Lady
(12/11/2012) São José dos Pinhais / PR, Brazil

Dear children, I am the Queen of Peace, Mediatrix of All Graces.
Little children, pray with confidence. On this day I want to offer your hearts to God.
You need to pray in union with Me.
Beloved, never cease to pray the third.
Humanity is passing through difficulties, you will not endure them without prayer.
Pray, pray, pray.
Pray for the souls in Purgatory.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Message of Our Lady
(11/08/2012) São José dos Pinhais / PR, Brazil

Dear children, I invite you to unite more times in prayer for peace.
Beloved, as a Mother I am worry about your future.
I ask you to return as quickly as possible to My Jesus.
Give good testimonies of true children of God.
Forgive others and yourselves.
Pray, pray, pray.
Pray for priests.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Message of Our Lady
(11/06/2012) Münster / Alemanha

On this day I want to address My children of the city of Poços de Caldas / MG.
Little children, you must pray in the midst of the difficulties of everyday life. Do not desist.
Happy are My children who put the Word of God into practice.
Beware of false apparitions and signs. The enemy is cunning and tries to deviate you from the Way of the Lord.
Pray for discerning.
Pray for priests especially for those in this city.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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Message of Our Lady
(11/04/2012) Cannobio / Italy

Dear son, I come from Heaven in the beginning of the night to bring you the Graces of the Lord.
The Lord sent Me tonight to tell you that without prayer mankind will not have peace.
This generation is in danger!
Little children, have hope.
My children from the city of São Carlos / SP, I ask you more respect when entering the House of God.
I also ask more love for the little children.
Pray, pray.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Message of Our Lady
(11/03/2012) Fontanelle-Montichiari/Italia

Dear children, I invite you to the peace.
Pray asking for peace in the world.
Without prayer the world will not find peace so much desired.
Little children, humanity has experienced difficulties but yet are not abandoned in the Hands of the Lord.
It is necessary to surrender completely in the Hands of the Creator.
My children, the Lord is grieved with the inequality of man.
Pray, pray for unity among nations.
On this day, I invite you to pray for the priesthood and religious vocations.
Dear children, watch the evil tongue (slander).
Divulgate with affection My messages.
The rosary is the most powerful weapon I offer you against traps of the enemy.
I am Mary Mystic Rose - Mother of the Church.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Message of Our Lady
(11/02/2012) Fontanelle-Montichiari/Italia

Dear children, I invite you on this day once again to prayer, sacrifice, penance and fasting.
My heart rejoices in the presence of each other today in Fontanelle.
Thanks dear children for being here.
As proof of My love, I brought you here to tell you that I am a loving Mother and I love you very much.
I ask you all to continue coming on pilgrimage to this place chosen by Me.
Drink water from the fountain and bathe in the plunge pool.
Beloved, with prayer and fasting you will defeat the forces of evil.
Here I ask silent so that the Lord can speak in your hearts. I am Mary Mystic Rose - Mother of the Church.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Message of Our Lady
(11/01/2012) Dieblich / Germany

Dear children, pray for My intentions.
Beloved, be always attentive to My appeals.
Divulagate urgently these My messages.
Pray for the unity of the Church. Pray for the Pope and his Cardinals.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Message of Our Lady
(10/31/2012) Amesterdam / Netherlands

Beloved son, know that God loves you very much.
How much joy I see in your eyes for being here in this sanctuary dedicated to Me as Mother of All Peoples.
Pray, pray with confidence the third in this place where many times I manifested to My daughter Ida Peerdeman.
Little children, pray asking God for the grace of unity among all nations.
My heart is saddened when I see My children fighting for power.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Message from Our Lord and Our Lady
(10/30/2012) Dülmen / Germany

Our Lady:

Beloved son, as I had spoken at Fatima, God reserves surprises on this trip.
Being here today is a gift of this Mother for each of you.
I am the Mother of Reconciliation and Love.
On this day I invite you to silent prayer.
Beloved, offer penance to God for the conversion of mankind.
My children, at this time there are few people who sacrifice for others.
Pray, pray.

Our Lord:

My son, in prayer you will find answers to your questions.
Pray with confidence!
My children, keep quiet in heart so you can hear My Voice, when you receive Me in the Eucharist.
In this silence I speak to each of you through the life of this My daughter (Anne Catherine Emmerich).


Message of Our Lord
(10/29/2012) Münster / Germany

24 years of apparitions of Our Lord

Dear son, now I look deeply upon this nation ... I am very sad to see what is still happening in this country.
Beloved, come to meet Me as there is time. Do not waste this grace.
My children, be humble and meek of heart.
My children, I want a living church not of a stone.
My peace I leave you.


Message of Our Lady
(10/27/2012) Fatima / Portugal

Peace, peace, peace.
I am the Mother of the Rosary and Peace.
Dear son, what a joy to see you here today in this place where the Angel brought the shepherds to My Divine Son.
Pray with confidence that the prayer taught by the Angel ...
My Son, My heart is very happy to see this morning a large number of children gathered here in prayer.
From this place I already poured and still pouring many graces.
From here Fatima, My Heart will radiate Graces to all those who were here in prayer.
Pray for peace in the world.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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