Note: We do not support the taken of a life at any stage. We feel sorry for the dead of George Tiller. Violence can not be defeated with violence. It makes no sense to kill a person who supports abortion because with this kind of action, this dreadful crime will not end, on the contrary gives them courage to continue advocating for harmful laws with the excuse that they are persecuted by a society unable to understand that human beings have the right to decide whether to let live or kill a creature at their own convenience.
But… Remember, the tribulation is near and these bad people will have their due payment.
Below is an interesting article related to George Tiller.
Randall A. Terry -
June 02, 2009
Hello Pro-life Friend: I have some incredible news: George Tiller's site was recovered -- which was taken down immediately after his slaying (probably so that people could not see what he was really doing.)
Well -- you, and every journalist who actually still wants to report the truth -- now has an opportunity to see for themselves his ghoulish practices.
I especially invite you to study the areas of his website that talk about late-term abortions and the killing of babies with fetal anomalies. It is sick.
Let's see together how many media people have the journalistic integrity to do the "sidebar" story on who George Tiller really was.
The link to Tiller's site is below. I suggest you read it and forward it to all your friends while we still have the opportunity of free speech and news coverage to show the truth.
Do not fear, do not flinch, do not retreat a single inch.
Declare the truth: abortion is murder.
As I stated in my last letter, the child-killers will now attempt to rip our most effective weapons from our hands: our words, our actions, and our images.
This is a defining moment in the battle to end child killing. One of the most critical decisions we must make is whether or not we will continue to say the truth: that abortion is murder.
The Scriptures teach that abortion is murder.
John Paul II in his masterpiece Evangelium Vitae -- which is the official teaching of the Church and Jesus Christ himself -- clearly declared that abortion is "murder." (See Evangelium Vitae Chapters 8, 9, and 58.)Let me be frank: this is not a discussion about "tactics." This is not a discussion about "prudence." this is a discussion about courage. Do pro-life leaders and pro-life activists -- do you, do I -- have the courage to continue to say the truth without apology in a moment of crisis. It's easy to say that "abortion is murder" in a small room filled with pro-lifers. But will we continue to make that declaration in a room full of hostile adversaries who are enraged that we would dare to call their most sacred rite "murder." Will we continue to declare the truth even as oppressors of freedom and life are clamoring to turn the declaration of the truth and the Gospel itself into a "hate crime."
These proponents of death are what the scriptures call "evildoers." They are the ambassadors and prophets of the "culture of death."
The question we must face is this: Will we submit to their demands to stop saying the truth: that abortion is murder, and the George Tiller was a mass murderer, or will we agree to lie. Will we agree to bear false witness against the babies? Will we agree to ignore the Scriptures, ignore John Paul II, and ignore God himself by using words that hide reality rather than expose it?
And by the way -- just in case you think I'm exaggerating the danger and the challenge that is before us -- here is an example of the vile treachery against life and liberty that we are facing. Read this for yourself:
Tiller Murder Is Terrorism, and All Pro-Life Extremists Are to Blame
June 01, 2009 11:30 AM ET Bonnie Erbe Permanent Link Print By Bonnie Erbe, Thomas Jefferson Street blog.
"When is enough enough? And yet, after yesterday's murder, Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, and stoker of much anti-abortion violence if ever there were one, published a press release saying:
" 'George Tiller was a mass-murderer. We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God. I am more concerned that the Obama Administration will use Tiller's killing to intimidate pro-lifers into surrendering our most effective rhetoric and actions. Abortion is still murder. And we still must call abortion by its proper name; murder.'
"This type of speech ought to be against the law and anyone who issues it ought to be prosecuted as an accessory to murder, as well as for partaking in domestic terrorism. What, after all, is the difference between Terry's statement and releases issued by the Taliban calling on Muslims to kill westerners? None!
In life -- I said he was a mass murderer according to the teachings of the law of God and the Church. And he was. In death, I will not bear false witness; I will not lie; I will not pretend that he was a good man.
In case anyone wonders -- I do support the rule of law. I do not support -- but rather I deplore -- that he was gunned down in a church. I do not believe that God gives the authority to anyone to be judge, jury, and executioner. And I do grieve for him that he may have entered into the presence of his Maker completely unprepared to face eternal tribunal. Such a thought is horrifying -- absolutely dreadful.
On the same hand, I do wish that rather than being the victim of vigilante justice, that child killing was made illegal, and that he was tried in a court of law by a jury of his peers for crimes against humanity. If he was convicted, and sentenced to die (such as many German citizens were at Nuremberg after WWII for murders they committed that were "legal" when the Nazis were in power), that he would be given time to get his affairs in order, to say goodbye to his family, and to prepare his soul to face God.
Friend, if you study social revolutions in America's past -- such as the abolition of slavery, the end of child labor, women's voting rights, and the end of segregation -- you will see that every single one of these movements used highly charged rhetoric and very offensive photographs. All of them did.
And you will see that all of them endured bitter opposition, and bad press. I repeat -- a lot of bad press.
It is precisely because so many of our pro-life leaders are timid and wavering at these moments of crisis that we are in jeopardy as a movement. A man or woman's mettle is tried when it is under fire -- not when it is in a room full of supportive "amens" given by like-minded compatriots.
As you read and watch and listen to the news of Tiller's slaying over the coming days, listen closely to those who are supposedly upholding the pro-life position. Watch to see if they have the courage to declare the truth at this moment in time -- when declaring the truth is being blamed for Tiller's shooting.
By the way -- the absurdity of the logic that declaring the truth is responsible for Tiller's death can be summed up here: it would be like saying that Winston Churchill was responsible for World War II because in 1938 he declared that Hitler was a madman and a tyrant.
Finally, you are again invited to a leadership training that we will have here in Washington, D.C. from June 12 through June 14. Details are on the website. I urge you to be bold and brave and to come for this training without fear. If we are going to prevail in our battle to end child killing, there are rough waters through which we must pass.
May God make us equal to the task.
A beg your prayers.
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