Message of Our Lady
(12/02/2010) Curitiba / PR, Brazil
Dear children, this day I invite you to pray.
I the Queen of Peace, Mediatrix of All Graces, ask you dear children, pray and help Me help you. I am near you and intercede before the Most High for each of you. Do not be discouraged!
Little children, this time is for you a time of grace. Use every moment to do good, because only then you can feel in your hearts, the birth of My Divine Son Jesus.
Be good examples to others. You must become a sign of God's love in your communities.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lady
(27/11/2010) São José dos Pinhais / PR, Brazil
Dear children, I am the Lady of the Miraculous Medal.
Little children, I know your difficulties, but I ask you: Do not be discouraged.
My children, I say again: do not let Satan have victory in your life. Open your hearts to the grace of God. Return to Him as soon as possible.
I bless all the pilgrims who were in My sanctuary in Itauna.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
(PS The message was received during the 1000 Hail Maries).
Message of Our Lady
(11/25/2010) São José dos Pinhais / PR, Brazil
Dear children, this day once again I invite you to pray for peace in this nation.
My little ones and beloved children, do not be discouraged! Your daily concerns should not shake your faith.
Brazil needs to accept these My appeals. God is waiting for your yes today.
I am the Queen of Peace - Mediatrix of All Graces.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Saint Anthony
(11/24/2010) São José dos Pinhais / PR, Brazil
Beloved, on this night the beloved Mother Mary, opens again the narrow door of Heaven.
Brethren, the Lord will pour out special graces to those who are working so that these messages reach the largest possible number of people.
Holy Mary warned you that the graces are scarce and so on.
Beloved, as you work so that these messages reach your brothers, the Lord will you grace. Do not play with God!
Forgive your neighbor and yourselves. Beloved, give good testimonies of this work.
God bless you!
Peace and well.
Message of Our Lady
(11/18/2010) Curitiba / PR, Brazil
Dear children, I am your Mother of Heaven, I wish you pray in family. Do not waste time of grace that runs like a desperate clock.
It is necessary to convert and give good testimonies to your priests. Pray for them while you have time. The evil one tries to set traps to deviate you from the path of the Lord.
Give yourselves to Jesus and to My Immaculate Heart. Pray daily as a family.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lady
(15/11/2010) Itaúna / MG, Brazil
My son, I am happy with your presence in this my sanctuary.
Beloved, is only praying that the world will have peace and the Brazilian nation will not suffer.
If men do not convert or change the way of live, a great evil will come upon everyone.
I bless all who pass through here in front of this grotto. Wonders and miracles continue to happen here yet. Be pure and meek of heart. Pray, pray, pray.
I love you.
Our Lady's Message
(15/11/2010) Fixed Danta / MG, Brazil
My children, I am the Immaculate Conception Mystic Rose - Queen of Peace.
I come from Heaven this morning to say once again that God loves you.
Children, do not you worry about your problems. Have confidence, faith and hope.
Leave sin and return to God. The Angel of Death is flying over this city since the beginning of the year. He is here to judge the wicked. You need to pray and repent of your sins as there is time.
I'm glad to see you in such a big number here in this chapel dedicated to the Mystic Rose.
Beloved, continue spreading this title: Mystic Rose.
I also invite you to spread these messages that over these 22 years I have been bringing to this My beloved son, Eduardo.
Pray, pray, pray.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.