November 7, 2008 at 19 hrs
"Oh my daughter, oh my dear Children! Thanks for being here with Me, for your efforts and sweat, no effort is made without being abundantly blessed by God.
(This was said for people who worked very early that day, it was a very hot day)
This image of Mine, I appreciate it and I promise that every soul that Venerate it will be blessed and will receive great graces through it. (She posed her hand on the dome covering the statue.)
My dear, oh suffered Argentina! Very hard times are coming, but that's why I'm here to say: God exists! As I told you, times of condemnation will come (The Virgin refers to the auto condemnation because man chooses not to love God, rejects Him.) Because, oh My beloved, you live without God, your hearts have become hard as rocks! Many of My children do not love God, do not want to hear that God exists, how good God is that sent his Son to die on the Cross! So I ask of you here today, Repent at heart, turn to friendship with God through confession. The forgiveness of sins is only received in the confessional; do not seek other modes (This portion of the message is directed to Catholics who have the possibility of the sacrament of Confession.)
Go to Mass, love without condition and practice charity, this is not only for poor brothers but in all your actions and feelings, as Jesus practiced it. (15 days before, the Mother in a message spoke of days of condemnation by the rejection of men to God but, those souls who join their sufferings with those of Christ on the Cross may save many souls to be condemned.)
My favorite sons, I ask of you, pray the rosary every day. I give you My motherly blessing. Thank you! (this was said for the priests who were present at the plaza and were confessing during the appearance.)
Come back every day 7 because I’ll be waiting to shed a shower of Graces!
I love you!
(Then She told us that through the petals of roses that her children give to Her will be granted special graces for those who bring them with devotion.)